Signs That Your Dua Is Accepted – Dua For Acceptance Of Wish


Signs That Your Dua Is Accepted

Dua is the most powerful thing given to humanity by Allah Subhana Wa’ Tala. You can turn the worst situations in your favour by making appropriate dua with the right intentions. If you are looking forward to asking something from the Almighty, it is very important to choose the right procedure to make dua. First and foremost, you should praise the virtues of Allah Talah, then send blessings to our beloved Prophet Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam and then make dua for anything you need in your life.

Insha Allah, your dua for fulfillment of need or desire will get accepted. Apart from this, there is a special dua for acceptance of wishes. Imagine if you want something very desperately and see no means to get it, then whom would you turn to? Turning to humans will only disappoint you, but turning to Allah Miyan will help you fulfil your duas. So, recite the dua for your wish to get accepted, and Insha Allah, it will help you fulfil your desires in no time. It will bring better fortune and happiness to you.


Dua For Acceptance Of Wish

Dua For Acceptance Of Wish

Several times people wonder how to get your dua accepted instantly. Well, there are several duas mentioned in the Holy Quran that can help you get immediate results. You should recite those verses if you have a desperate wish or desire. You can find out the dua or another Islamic prayer with the help of our Molvi Sahib. He will give you suitable guidance in this regard and will help you fulfil all your wishes. So, speak to him about your Hajat, and he will give you the best solution. Insha Allah, by the grace of Allah Talah, you will be bestowed with all you desire in no time.

However, it is important to remember that you don’t make dua for anything illegal or with bad intent. Once you make dua with pure heart, you will get signs that your dua is accepted. As soon as you witness these signs, make sure you turn more humble and thankful towards Allah Subhana Wa’ Tala. Allah Miyan tests His followers in several ways. It is up to you to be grateful in every situation and keep making duas for your desires and wishes. Follow the righteous path of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) (PBUH) and Insha Allah; all good things will come to you.

How To Make Your Dua Accepted by Allah

Amaan Yujibu Al Mazturru Ila Da’aa Hu Wa Yakshifu As Su Aa Waa Yaj  Alukum Khulaa Kaa’Aal Ardho A Ilaahi Ma’ Al Laahi Kaleelum Ma Tazak karoon

Recite this dua 111 times and then think of the thing you want. Pray to Allah Talah for it.

Insha Allah, the Almighty will soon bestow you with everything you want. Keep making the dua for fulfillment of need or desire until you receive what you desire.

Some of the signs which you will notice that your dua for fulfillment of need or desire is accepted are written below. These are the signs Allah is guiding you after duas you read regularly.

  • Repeated numbers: If you do not know how to know if your dua is accepted, you might be ignoring some simple signs. Seeing repetitive numbers continuously is one of the most common signs that your dua will be accepted soon.
  • Particular colors near you: Seeing specific colors like green around you is a sign that Allah has accepted your dua. 
  • A repeated dream: Another one of the many important signs of dua acceptance is seeing the same dream repeatedly. It is a the best of the signs of dua acceptance that brings assurance to the people who read any dua.
  • Seeing a famous personality in your dream

To know more about the signs that your dua will be accepted, you can consult our Maulvi Sahab.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Signs That Your Dua Is Accepted?

The article above explains the most common signs that the dua for fulfillment of need or desire has been accepted. If you feel that you are seeing a different sign and want to understand the meaning it holds, consult our Islamic scholar anytime.

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